Your Friendly Local Game Store
in Southern New Hampshire

483 Amherst St., Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
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Closed Today

An empty snowy road

Due to the blizzard, the Relentless Dragon is closed today.  Please stay safe and warm! Continue reading »

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Bulk Magic: the Gathering Rares – Now $0.75 in 2017!

Pile of Magic cards, all showing their backs

Great news! We have repriced all of our bulk Magic: the Gathering rares from $1.00 to $0.75 each for the new year. Get 25% more Magic for your buck! 🙂 Continue reading »

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Best Halloween Costume Contest 2016

We are running a “Best Halloween Costume” contest! Drop in dressed in your family-friendly costume, have your photo taken, and get a chance to win a $50 gift certificate! 🙂 The small print: No Purchase Necessary. How to Enter: Visit The Relentless Dragon, at 483 Amherst St., in Nashua, NH, in costume between 3:00 p.m. […] Continue reading »

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We had a great Pokémon Prerelease!

Steam Siege Event Photo

Players had fun today cracking packs of Steam Siege. Numerous EX cards were pulled, including a secret rare Volcanion! Thanks to all who participated, both our regulars and our brand-New players. We were glad to have you with us, as always. If you missed out, be sure to join us at the next pre-release, in […] Continue reading »

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New! Buy Dice by the Cup

fish tank full of dice

You can never have too many dice! Whether you’re looking to start your first dice collection or add to an existing large collection, we’ve got you covered! You can buy from our new dice tank a scoop at a time! We have 12-ounce cups available which you can use to scoop up a rounded cup […] Continue reading »

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Eternal Masters Pre-Sales

Eternal Masters Logo

Eternal Masters looks to be one of the hottest Magic sets ever! Only 30 cards of the full 249 have been spoiled so far and they represented some amazing cards–Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Force of Will, Wasteland, Karakas, Maze of Ith, Vampiric Tutor, Entomb, Sensei’s Divining Top, and more! Eternal Masters pre-sales at the Relentless […] Continue reading »

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The Relentless Dragon 2016 “State of the Dragon Address”

Decorative 2016

The close of a year and the start of a new year is always an exciting time. I thought that I would take some time to share with you all how things went in 2015 and some of the exciting things to look forward to in 2016. I apologize in advance if this is very […] Continue reading »


D20 Sale – December 20

We will be holding our first annual d20 sale this Sunday, 12/20. What is a d20 sale? At check-out, everyone will have the opportunity to roll a single d20. The number you roll is the discount you receive off of your total order! Roll an 8, get 8% off. Roll a 15, get 15% off. […] Continue reading »

Happy 4th of July!

Red, White, and Blue Frosted Cupcakes

Happy 4th of July, everyone! We are open today, including this evening for Pokémon League. Drop in for a free cupcake and cup of lemonade or iced tea! 🙂 Continue reading »

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Magic Origins is coming!

Magic Origins Logo

Magic Origins, the 2016 Magic: the Gathering core set, is coming soon! You can pre-order your boxes now, or pre-register for the Pre-Release tournaments (whew, that’s a lot of “pre”s!). The Pre-Release tournaments are Saturday, July 11, at 12:01 a.m. (that’s just past midnight, Friday night), Saturday, July 11, at 11:00 a.m., and Sunday, July […] Continue reading »