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Kaladesh Game Days

Kaladesh Game Day Playmat

Saturday and Sunday October 22nd and 23rd What is Kaladesh Game Day? See how you match up against your local community, earn prizes, and become a champion in this unique day of competition taking place all around the world! Magic Game Day is an exciting opportunity for players around the world to join in playing Standard […] Continue reading »

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Kaladesh Prerelease Events

Kaladesh Banner

Saturday and Sunday 9/24-9/25 Kaladesh is the latest set for Magic: the Gathering, and the first set in the new Kaladesh block. Kaladesh introduces the home plane of planeswalker Chandra Nalar. Kaladesh has been hinted at in previous sets, but this is the first set to fully explore this plane of artifacts, tinkerers, and artificers. […] Continue reading »

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