Your Friendly Local Game Store
in Southern New Hampshire

483 Amherst St., Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
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Friendly Local Game Store in Southern New Hampshire

Photo of our board game wall

The Relentless Dragon Game Store is a full-service family-friendly game store in Nashua, New Hampshire. We focus on specialty board games like Catan, Carcassonne, Scythe, and Ticket to Ride; trading card games like Magic: the Gathering, Pokémon, etc.; role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder; and tabletop miniature games, such as Bolt Action, as well as the longstanding industry heavyweight, Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40k and Age of Sigmar.

Shop Online

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Click here to shop 35,000+ Magic and Pokemon singles!

Join us on Discord

Join the growing community on our Discord server.  Get updates on store happenings and events, chat with fellow gaming enthusiasts, or use the various voice chat rooms to organize remote TCG or RPG games.

Play in Person

Our 3,500 square foot shop in Nashua includes a large play space which can accommodate 40+ card, RPG, or board game players, plus four permanent wargaming tables with a large array of scenery. 

This space is available to use, for a small fee, for game-related purposes which are consistent with our family-friendly, inclusive vision. If you’re planning a large gathering, or a gathering on a day on which an event is planned, please call to check on availability.

Tournaments and events for various games are held on a regular basis. These events include both manufacturer-sponsored and store-sponsored events. Check out our events calendar for more information!