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Dungeons & Dragons Campaign for Kids and Teens

Dungeons & Dragons for Kids and Teens

The Relentless Dragon, in Nashua, New Hampshire, is pleased to announce a new Dungeons & Dragons table for kids and teens starting January 7th, 2023!

Players aged 10 through 18 are welcome!

Play 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons in a friendly, age-appropriate environment run by an experienced teenage Dungeon Master.

All experience levels are welcome, from those who have never played Dungeons & Dragons before to experts who have been playing for years!

Sessions will be every Saturday from 12:00 noon until approximately 3:00 pm.

Please do not create characters prior to the first session, as the DM will supervise character creation.

Parents may stay on-site and sit at one of our tables or may leave their mature, responsible, well-behaved children.*

Each weekly session is $7 per player.


*The Relentless Dragon is not a licensed childcare facility and does not provide childcare services. All children left alone must have a cell phone and the ability to contact a parent or guardian.