Your Friendly Local Game Store
in Southern New Hampshire
483 Amherst St., Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
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Event Date: March 22, 2025
Event Start Time: 11:00 a.m.
Event End Time: Unspecified (perhaps due to variability)
Event Cost: $10.00
Pre-register online: Click here to preregister
Join us for a Magic: the Gathering Regional Championship Qualifier (RCQ) Season 3 Round 3.
This RCQ feeds the Regional Championships at SCG CON Minneapolis, and SCG CON Hartford in May 2025.
The format is Standard and deck lists will be required. Please try to save time at the start of the event and bring a completed deck list with you.
This is a competitive rules enforcement level event. There will be a number of Swiss rounds and cut to top 8 dependent on total number of participants.
Cost: $10
Date: Saturday March 22nd
Store Open: 10:00 AM
Players Meeting: 11:00 AM
Format: Standard
Head Judge: Chris Wendelboe
Mayhem Devil Promo for the first 32 registered players
Force of Despair Non-Foil Promo for the top 8 players
Force of Despair Foil Promo and Regional Invitation to the winner
Note: Based on the low price for this event, there will be no additional prizes!