Your Friendly Local Game Store
in Southern New Hampshire

483 Amherst St., Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
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About the Relentless Dragon Game Store

Photo of the front of The Relentless Dragon game store, in Nashua, New HampshireThe Relentless Dragon Game Store is a family-owned, family-friendly, inclusive game store located in Nashua, New Hampshire.

Friendly Local Game Stores are unique in that they aren’t just places to buy things—our customers often stay for a while, sometimes hours, in our sizable free gaming area. We offer “regular” tables for card and board games like Magic: the Gathering, Pokémon, A Game of Thrones, Catan, Carcassonne, and Ticket to Ride, as well as several “standing” tables appropriate for tabletop miniatures games like Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine or Hordes, X-Wing, Armada, or historical games.

The Relentless Dragon is owned by Erika and Jay. The Relentless Dragon came about in October 2008 when Erika and Jay purchased the Silver Dragon (in Amherst, NH) from its previous owner. As the name couldn’t come with the purchase, we had to choose a new name. We previously owned a game store, Relentless Games, so we took an element from that and an element from Silver Dragon to create The Relentless Dragon.

We subsequently moved the store to Nashua from Amherst in 2009, to be closer to home as well as to the students at Nashua Community College. Moving to Nashua also made us more accessible to our customers who are vehicularly challenged, as the Nashua City Bus stops just a bit down the road from our store.

In November 2014, we made a move only ten numbers down the street, from 493 to 483 Amherst Street. The move increased our space by 500 square feet, and enabled us to provide a brighter space for playing, along with a dramatically increased selection of board games.

In the spring of 2016, we expanded into the space next to ours, which doubled our square footage, and allowed us to install four dedicated 4′ x 6′ miniature wargaming tables.